
Livres et chapitres de livres

Regards croisés sur l’existence et ses représentations.
Sous la direction de Hakim Hamadi, Eve Roy et Julien Seinturier.
Avec la participation de Bruno Berberian, Olivier Liess, Guillaume Reinhart, Nicolas Juennard et Saloua Rhioui.
Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, 2007.


Fusion de connaissances : Applications aux relevés photogrammétriques
de fouilles archéologiques sous-marines.

Dirigée par Pierre Drap et Odile Papini.
Soutenue le 11 Décembre 2007 à l’Université du Sud Toulon Var.
Devant le jury composé de Salem Benferhat (Rapporteur), Andrea Caiti (Rapporteur)
Elisabeth Murisasco, Frédéric Gauch, Frédéric Alcala et Gilbert Pachoud.
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Revues internationales avec comité de lecture

Underwater photogrammetry for archaeology and marine biology : 40 years of experience in Marseille, France
Pierre Drap, Djamal Merad, Amine Mahiddine, Julien Seinturier, Daniela Peloso, Jean-Marc Boï, Bertrand Chemisky, Luc Long
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era
Vol. 2, n° 3, pp 375-394, 2013
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Underwater cartography for archaeology in the VENUS project
Pierre Drap, Julien Seinturier, Giuseppe Conte, Andrea Caiti, David Scaradozzi, Silvia Maria Zanoli, Pamela Gambogi
Geomatica : The Journal of Geospatial Information Science, Technology And Practice
Vol. 62, n° 4 Special issue on Marine Geomatics, 2008
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Revues nationale avec comité de lecture

En cours...

Conférences internationales avec actes et comité de lecture

Underwater photogrammetry for archaeology and marine biology : 40 years of experience in Marseille, France
Pierre Drap, Djamal Merad, Julien Seinturier, Amine Mahiddine, Daniela Peloso, Jean-Marc Boi, Chemisky Bertrand, Luc Long, Joaquim Garrabou.
Proceedings of the Digital Heritage International Congress 2013.
Marseilles, France, 28 october - 1 november, 2013
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An information system for medieval archaeology based on photogrammetry and archaeological database : The Shawbak castle project.
Pierre Drap, Djamal Merad, Julien Seinturier, Jean-Marc Boi, Daniela Peloso, Guido Vannini, Michele Nucciotti, Elisa Pruno.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, [EuroMed 2012], Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation, p 119-128.
Lemesos, Cyprus, 29 october - 3 november, 2012
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Photogrammetry for medieval archaeology : A way to represent and analyse stratigraphy
Pierre Drap, Djamal Merad, Jean-Marc Boï, Julien Seinturier, Daniela Peloso, Christophe Reidinger, Guido Vannini, Michele Nucciotti, Elisa Pruno.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia [VSMM 2012], p 157-164.
Milano, Italy, 2-5 septembre, 2012
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Underwater image preprocessing for automated photogrammetry in high turbidity water : An application on the Arles-Rhone XIII roman wreck in the Rhodano river, France
Amine Mahiddine, Julien Seinturier, Jean-Marc Boi, Pierre Drap, Djamal Merad, Luc Long.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia [VSMM 2012], p 189-194.
Milano, Italy, 2-5 septembre, 2012
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Performances Analysis of Underwater Image Preprocessing Techniques on the Repeatability of SIFT and SURF Descriptors
Amine Mahiddine, Julien Seinturier, Jean-Marc Boï, Pierre Drap, Djamal Merad.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision [WSCG 2012], p 275-282.
Plzen, Czech Republic, 26-28 juin, 2012
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An ontological approach to model and query multimodal concurrent linguistic annotations
Julien Seinturier, Elisabeth Murisasco, Emmanuel Bruno, Philippe Blache.
Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation [LREC’12].
Istanbul, Turkey, 21-27 mai, 2012
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Knowledge-based Multimodal Data Representation and Querying.
Julien Seinturier, Elisabeth Murisasco et Emmanuel Bruno.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development [KEOD 2011], p 152-158.
France, 26-29 Octobre, 2011
isbn 978-989-8425-80-5.
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An XML engine to model and query multimodal concurrent linguistic annotations : Application to the OTIM Project.
Julien Seinturier, Elisabeth Murisasco et Emmanuel Bruno.
Proceedings of Balisage : The Markup Conference 2011. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 7 (2011).
Montréal, Canada, 2 - 5 Aout, 2011

Annotation schemes, annotation tools and the question of interoperability : from Typed Feature Structures to XML Schemas
Philippe Blache, Brigitte Bigi, Laurent Prévot, Stéphane Rauzy, Julien Seinturier
Second International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resource [ICGL 2010]
Hong-Kong, 18-20 Janvier 2010
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Going to Shawbak (Jordan) and getting the data back :
Toward a 3D GIS dedicated to medieval archaeology

Pierre Drap, Julien Seinturier, Jean-Christophe Chambelland, Gilles Gaillard, Hugo Pires, Guido Vannini, Michele Mucciotti, Elisa Pruno
Proceedings of the 3rd ISPRS International Workshop [3D-ARCH 2009] : "3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures", pp. 33-50
Trento, Italy, 25-28 February 2009
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Photogrammetry for virtual exploration of underwater archeological sites.
Pierre Drap, Julien Seinturier, David Scaradozzi, Pamela Gambogi, Luc Long, Frédéric Gauch
XXIth CIPA International Symposium [CIPA 2007], pp. 281-286
Athens, Greece, 1-6 october 2007
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Photogrammetry And Archaeological Knowledge : Toward A 3D Information System Dedicated To Medieval Archaeology : A Case Study Of Shawbak Castle In Jordan
Pierre Drap, Anne Durand, Malika Nedir, Julien Seinturier, Odile Papini, Roberto Gabrielli, Daniela Peloso, Rieko Kadobayashi, Gilles Gaillard, Paul Chapman, Warren Viant, Guido Vannini, Michele Nucciotti
Proceedings of the 2nd ISPRS International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2007, 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures [3D-ARCH 2007]
ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 12-13 july 2007
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Towards a photogrammetry and virtual reality based heritage information system : A case study of shawbak castle in jordan.
Pierre Drap, Anne Durand, Malika Nedir, Julien Seinturier, Odile Papini, Paul Chapman
The e-volution of Information Communication Technology in Cultural Heritage, CIPA / VAST / EG / EuroMed 2006, pp. 67-74
Nicosia, Cyprus, 30 october - 4 november 2006
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Knowledge representation and data fusion for archaeology : The case study of the castle of shawbak.
Julien Seinturier, Pierre Drap, Odile Papini, Guido Vannini, Michele Nucciotti
IXth International Conference on Computer Graphcis and Artificial Intelligence [3IA 2006], pp. 169-179
Limoges, France, 23-24 may 2006
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A merging data tool for knowledge based photogrammetry : The case study of the castle of shawbak, jordan.
Julien Seinturier, Pierre Drap, Odile Papini, Guido Vannini, Michele Nucciotti
Proceedings of the XXth International Symposium of the International Committee for Architectural Photogrammetry [CIPA 2005], New Perspectives to Save Cultural Heritage,, pp. 538-543
Torino, Italy, 26 september 2005
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Full xml documentation from photogrammetric survey to 3d visualization. the case study of shawbak castle in jodan.
Pierre Drap, Anne Durand, Julien Seinturier, Guido Vannini, Michele Nucciotti
Proceedings of the XXth International Symposium of the International Committee for Architectural Photogrammetry [CIPA 2005], New Perspectives to Save Cultural Heritage, pp. 771-776
Torino, Italy, 26 september 2005
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Orthophoto imaging and gis for seabed visualization and underwater archaeology.
Pierre Drap, Julien Seinturier, Nicolas Vincent, Franca Cibecchini, Odile Papini, Pierre Grussenmeyer
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Beyond the artefact, Digital Interpretation of the Past [1]
Prato, Italy, 13-16 April 2004
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Presentation of the web based arpenteur tools : Towards a photogrammetry based heritage information system.
Pierre Drap, Pierre Grussenmeyer, Pierre-Yves Curtinot, Julien Seinturier, Gilles Gaillard
Proceedings of the XXth Congress of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Geo-Imagery Bridging Continents, [ISPRS2004], pp. 123-128
Istanbul, Turkey, 12-23 July 2004
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A gis tool box for cultural heritage. an application on constantine, algeria, historical center.
Pierre Drap, Julien Seinturier, Marco Canciani, Benjamin Garret
IVth International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage [VAST 2003]
Brighton, United Kingdom, 5-7 November 2003
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Archaeological 3d modelling using digital photogrammetry and expert system. the case study of etruscan amphorae.
Pierre Drap, Julien Seinturier, Luc Long
Proceedings of the VIth Infographie Interactive et Intelligence Artificielle International Conference [2], pp. 177-188
Limoges, France, 14-15 mai 2003
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Laserscanning and close range photogrammetry : Towards a single measuring tool dedicated to architecture and archaeology.
Pierre Drap, Matteo Sgrengzaroli, Marco Canciani, Giacomo Cannata, Julien Seinturier
Proceedings of the XIXth International Symposium of the International Committee for Architectural Photogrammetry [3], New perspectives to save cultural heritage, pp. 629-634
Antalya, Turkey, 30 September 2003
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Conférences nationales avec actes et comité de lecture

Un cadre réversible pour la fusion de bases propositionnelles.
Julien Seinturier, Pierre Drap, Odile Papini
XVe congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle [RFIA 2006]
Tours, France, 25 Janvier 2006
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Fusion réversible : Application à l’information l’archéologique.
Julien Seinturier, Pierre Drap, Odile Papini
Journées Nationales sur les Modèles de Raisonnement [JNMR 2003]
Paris, France, 27-28 novembre 2003
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Workshops internationaux

Towards an ontology based information system for Linguistic : the case study of the OTIM project.
Julien Seinturier, Elisabeth Murisasco, Emmanuel Bruno, Philippe Blache.
Workshop Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence - WS2 : Ontology and Lexicon : new insights.
Paris, France, 10 Novembre 2011
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Multimodal Annotation of Conversational Data
P. Blache, R. Bertrand, B. Bigi, E. Bruno, E. Cela, R. Espesser, G. Ferré, M. Guardiola, D. Hirst, E.-P. Magro, J.-C. Martin, C. Meunier, M.-A. Morel, E. Murisasco, I Nesterenko, P. Nocera, B. Pallaud1, L. Prévot, B. Priego-Valverde, J. Seinturier, N. Tan, M. Tellier, S. Rauzy
Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, [ACL 2010]
Uppsala, Sweden, 15-15 July, 2010
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A reversible framework for propositional bases merging.
Julien Seinturier, Pierre Drap, Odile Papini
XIth workshop on Non Monotonic Reasoning [NMR 2006]
Lake District, UK, 30 may - 1 june 2006
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